The Future Of Commercial Solar, Wunder Capital 5


Sep 29, 2017



Sep 29, 2017



From the beginning, Wunder’s central mission and guiding purpose has been to accelerate our clean energy future by connecting investors with large-scale solar projects across the U.S. With each new fund launched and each passing year, we’ve sought to better pair borrowers with investors. You can see the results of that continuous improvement in our 2017 Mid-Year Review. Alongside Wunder’s growth and maturation, we’ve also seen the institutional capital markets engage more deeply and thoughtfully in the solar industry. As a result of both, I am ecstatic to announce Wunder’s next leap: our fifth fund, Wunder Capital 5. Launching on October 5th, Wunder Capital 5 will offer investors a projected 7.5% annual return with a 5 year investment term and a 20 year amortization of principal. This lengthened amortization is designed to keep more investment principal at work earning interest throughout the investment term. This also represents an advantage for borrowers who can more effectively match this longer amortization schedule to a solar project’s warrantied life, and see a lower monthly bill.

By keeping a dramatically higher percentage of an investor’s principal at work through the investment term, and reducing that term to five years, Wunder Capital 5 can support what we believe to be a more competitive projected yield. And by pairing the amortization schedule to projected and warrantied system life, we can finally match the low monthly financing cost structures that have unlocked residential solar so effectively. We believe wholeheartedly structures like these can and will fuel the commercial market to the stratospheric growth rates seen in residential and utility scale solar, and bend U.S. carbon emissions down.

Welcome to Commercial Solar 2.0, and God Bless the solar cost curve.

For those of you who have been alongside us in accelerating this underserved market for some time, Wunder Capital 5 represents a large step forward, taken together, toward unlocking the commercial solar market.

Bryan Birsic, Co-Funder and CEO - Wunder Capital


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