Vestwell's Aaron Schumm Recognized In Investment News: 40 Under 40


Jun 19, 2017



Jun 19, 2017



Aaron Schumm already co-founded and sold one financial services company, FolioDynamix. Now he's getting his second company off the ground: Vestwell, a digital platform advisers can use to manage 401(k) and 403(b) plans.

He was influenced by his dad, who was a carpenter, but dabbled in investing and spoke about the stock market. When Mr. Schumm was a kid, he gravitated toward math and always found it interesting.

His first experiences working in the financial advice industry in Chicago were focused on retirement plans and managed accounts. That niche set the tone for his career, he said. After moving to New York, he focused on financial technology, or fintech. He's also been active with various charitable organizations, including being a mentor in a program for inner city, high school students that encourages them to participate in skateboarding, surfing and snowboarding.

Mr. Schumm, who says he is passionate about "creating positive progress," shows the same devotion he has for mentoring in the work he does for his clients.

I want to leave a positive impact on people on whatever scale I can. Our sole intent is to help people save for the future and help people make better decisions in that process. And then they can take themselves to the next level.

Aaron Schumm, Founder and CEO - Vestwell


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